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Michael Owen boosted SoccerWorld’s campaigns in Nanjing China

By Yutang Sports 06 Jul 2015

A campus soccer campaign sponsored by SoccerWorld was launched yesterday in Nanjing China with the help from Michael Owen, a famous English footballer, at the ceremony.

SoccerWorld is a British soccer organization which landed in China in 2008. The campaign, hosted by a branch of SoccerWorld in China, aims to promote the soccer club for juniors across Jiangsu Province.

SoccerWorld league, a large-scale soccer league for amateur players, will also be established by the organization in 32 Chinese cities. There will be a number of 4,000 teams across China contending for the competition, marking the biggest ever soccer league in China.

The league adopts a 7-on-7 match system and the winner will be awarded a $100,000 million training program. And Michael Owen is a natural candidate for the heading coach of the champion, who would lead the team to international matches.

Michael Owen is currently an ambassador of SoccerWorld. Despite his retirement from professional football, his popularity among  Chinese people is ideal for soccer-related promotions.

Proofread by Raymond Fitzpatrick

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