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CSMF sponsored team won Tour of Qinghai Lake

By Yutang Sports 22 Jul 2015

On July 18th, Ningxia Sports Lottery-Focus Cycling Team sponsored by China Sports Marketing Forum (CSMF) won the first place of China and the second of Asia after all 12 sessions of the 14th Qinghai CFPA Cup Tour of Qinghai Lake finished.

On July 21st, CSMF held a celebration ceremony for the team.

For CSMF, the biggest sports marketing and commerce platform in China, it was the first time the brand was shown in the internationally famous cycling race Tour of Qinghai Lake. By sponsoring a professional team and also the champion of this year, CSMF not only gained more understanding of the cycling game to help achieve their goal of leading the whole sports industry but also drew a lot of attention to promote the 11th CSMF Annual Conference and Exhibition in 2016.

CSMF’s annual conference has become a grand gathering of important people and high-end resources of the sports industry.

Source: Huanqiu

Tags: cycling
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