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Zhejiang LeSports established

By Mei Zhu 04 Nov 2016

Yesterday, at a press conference in Hangzhou, it was announced that Zhejiang LeSport has been established. This marks the arrival of LeSport in ZheJiang with the aim of serving its people.

At the Conference, LeSport and Zhejiang Daily Media announced that they will fund Zhejiang LeSport Development Co. Ltd. Since LeSports and Zhejiang Daily Media are dedicated to Internet Sports and Industrial Media , Zhejiang LeSport can provide services in Event Planning and Implementation. At the event, Zhejiang LeSport also signed cooperation agreements with the Communist Youth League, Zhejiang Provincial Communications, Dongye Sports Group and other enterprises.

The 2022 Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou, so the next 10 years will usher in the golden years of development for the sports industry in Zhejiang. By 2025, the scale of the Zhejiang sports industry is expected to exceed 500 billion, accounting for 1.6%of GDP.

Lei Zhenjian, founder and CEO of LeSport, said, “We cooperated because LeSport and Zhejiang Daily Media are complementary. We can bring the Internet to the sports industry in Zhejiang and provide a full range of support. We hope that Zhejiang LeSport can promote the development of the sports industry in Zhejiang. 

Proofread by Sean O Diobhilin

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