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Alisports sign strategic cooperation with Suzhou City

By Yutang Sports 19 Apr 2017

Suzhou Municipal Government and Alisports held a press conference in Suzhou yesterday, announcing that the two parties will combine their resources to jointly build the Suzhou sports model, the Sozhou solution to city sports development.

Firstly, the two parties will use big data and digital technology to make Suzhou sports more intelligent in the areas of sports participation and fitness. For example, Suzhou will continue to develop the Suzhou intelligent sports industry on the basis of the "Suzhou Sports" App, a Suzhou sports one-stop service platform which was launched last year. They will also develop a sports hospital on the cloud, a digital sports  museum etc, using the Internet as the means to improve intelligent services for sports fitness in the city.

Secondly, both parties will also cooperate in the organization and promotion of sports events. Alisports CEO Dazhong Zhang said that Alisports would target fashionable projects such as esports that young people favour and introduce influential sports events into Suzhou to expand its international reputation and sports influence.

Through these efforts, Alisports intends to make Suzhou a well-known domestic and international sports city within three or five years.

Source: Netease, News of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the CPC

Proofread by Sean O Diobhilin

Tags: Alisports
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