On January 28th,Asian Cup officially announced the TV audience,the total audience in China went up to amazing 914 million,while 5 times as much as Korea Republic who has 174 million.
On the Asian Cup,China won all the three matches in group,gain tremendous popularity in China.Chinese fans gave focus and complimentary on the team.Jiang Heping,the director of CCTV-5 said on the review,“the ratings of Sino-Australia reached 4.16%,made the new record since 2014 FIFA World Cup,the aggregate audience was 142 million,the peak ratings during this match achieved 7.2%!Which means near 100 million people were watching that match simultaneously at the top.The statistics from AFC proves that China has enormous fans with passion on football.”
Compare to China,Korean fans seemed more crazy on their team,especially after Korea made the final.Factors the population in,174 million is 3 times as much as Korean population,which indicates the craziness of Korean people again.
We believe that if China could perform much better than before,more and more Chinese fans would tend to watch the matches of that team.