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Qiaodan sponsored Lanzhou International Marathon

By Yutang Sports 19 Jun 2015

Chinese sportswear brand Qiaodan sponsored Lanzhou International Marathon which took place on June 13 in the western province Gansu and it was the fifth year that Qiaodan has sponsored the event. 

Qiaodan provided “Chinese Red” T shirts for participants and blue T shirts for volunteers of Lanzhou Marathon. They also organized activities around the event, including a 30-people running group. 40,000 participants wore Qiaodan’s T shirts during the race. 

Huang Tao, the head of marketing at Qiaodan said that, the brand had sponsored Lanzhou International Marathon for five consecutive years, during which time the event developed from a new marathon event to the largest event with the most number of participants, which in turn witnessed the growth of Qiaodan’s brand strategies; Qiaodan would continue to assist with the development of running events with its strong R&D strengths and good services, to contribute to public health and fitness. 

Qiaodan has tried to instill sports spirit of being a better self into daily life, provide professional products and services for the widest Chinese public, to enable people to experience happiness in sports, and to make contributions to public sports and fitness. 


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