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Letv launched running channel in preparation for vertical business chain

By Yutang Sports 09 Jun 2015

A special running channel was officially launched by Letv on June 8. The channel will feature the sport of running and running events exclusively, and will be able to be accessed from multiple terminals, such as website, mobile, pad, Letv Television, and Letv Sports App. 

The CEO of Letv Sports, Lei Zhenjian, said that the channel was just a starting point. Letv Sports plans to build comprehensive businesses around the sport. They would explore event rights at the upstream of the industry, build O2O platforms, and develop smart wearable devices. 

Letv Sports has live broadcasting rights of dozens of international and domestic marathon events, including the likes of Boston Marathon, New York Marathon, and Shenzhen Marathon. They are conducting talks with relevant events to expand the number to over 30. 

It would cooperate with more than ten marathons to be fully involved in events management. Negotiations with several apps are under process, and they try to form strategic relationships with domestic Chinese manufacturers of excising equipment such as running shoes. 


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